Habitat Setup:

Setting up a comfortable habitat for Koki was an important part of making sure he thrives. 

We keep the tank at about 85°F during the day and 75°F at night, with a basking spot around 90°F. 

The bioactive substrate we use is a blend of sand, soil, and sphagnum moss, to allow for burrowing, a favorite pastime of western hognose snakes. 

A few hide areas and a shallow water dish complete the setup, ensuring Koki stays happy and healthy. 

Clean up Crew:

The tank is technically called a vivarium due to the habitat's living nature. The vivarium is home to Koki and the cleanup crew. 

The cleanup crew consists of powder blue isopods as well as arid springtails.

The cleanup crew eats the leaves, snakeskin, and snake waste, leaving behind nutrients that feed the succulents and enrich Koki's life.